Njoy Life !

Dear Friends, This life is so full of things we dont want happenin, so i've tried to do my bit to make some moments of ur time worth while. B'coz i believe one simple smile or laugh can make u forget all ur blues...mayb momentarily but it does ! So please njoy all these fun posts and laugh away ur blues....and while ur njoying you can click on some ads so that i'd know u appreciate the effort put in here. Thanks and smile

Jan 14, 2007

funny joke

The Clown noticed that his dog had become lethargic, lazy, and fat. Being a considerate pet owner, the clown took his beloved pet to the veterinarian. After some initial confusion about whether the veterinarian ate meat, the clown described his problem to the doctor.
The veterinarian explained that there was nothing seriously wrong with the clown’s pet dog, and that it simply needed some exercise.
“You need to make sure this dog runs around,” the doctor said. “Try playing a game of fetch with him.”
This news saddened the clown immensely.
“I can’t play fetch with my dog!” said the clown, holding back tears.
“Why not?” asked the doctor.
The clown replied, “Don’t be silly! He can’t throw!”

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